Learn about our services

    • Emissions $30.00

    • State Only for qualifying vehicles $13. 60

    • Tint Tests $10.00

    • Pre-purchase Inspections $84.95

    • Full Synthetic

    • Synthetic Blends

    • Price varies according to year, make, and model

    • Can ask for an appointment, but it is not required!

  • $24.95

  • $139.95

  • $199.95

    • Replace pads and rotors

    • Priced according to year, make, and model of vehicle

    • Replace worn or low performing batteries

    • Replace damaged or corroded battery terminals

    • Test for proper output and replace if not properly charging

    • pressure test to pinpoint leaks in the cooling system

    • replace any leaking or damaged components

    • price varies according to year, make, and model vehicle

    • Price varies according to year, make, and model of vehicle